Friday, March 18, 2011


Wedding Draft

I've been browsing for wedding ideas from time to time and I've already stumbled on some great stuffs from somewhere, anywhere. The problem is, I can get so forgetful most of the time that I tend to lose the picture in my head of what I want, where I saw the wedding gown that I'd like to wear, what give - aways, what pre - nup theme, etc. The solution is not writing it on paper because it can easily be displaced. In a digital era, the more pro-active solution is blogging it! Now, see how technology could help you in some other way. XD

So... Here's my wedding draft where I'd pick my wedding ideas when I'll actually and formally plan it.

Let's start with the gowns:

Marchesa gown


Ring bearer:

Ring holder:

Other helpful sites:
Top 8 ways to plan a wedding on tight budget
The Church wedding: how to go about it
David's Bridal
Bride and Breakfast

That's all for now, I'll be updating this post if ever I saw some good ideas that I could use. :)
Spoiler alert: The big wedding will be in one year's time. :)

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