Saturday, January 12, 2008


The movie Cashback

Cashback is an independent movie directed by Sean Ellis. Oh my, I swear I love this movie! It's about a guy who could stop time and motion, about friendship and about love. I really love it, try to watch it!! The image above is the poster, dont judge immediately! It's no rated X movie.. It's a sweet story about Ben Willi (Sean Biggerstaff)

My favorite line from the movie Cashback:
Ben Willis: I've always wanted to be a painter, maybe have my work hung in a gallery one day.

Sharon Pintey: I've always wanted to meet a painter.

Ben Willis: Why?

Sharon Pintey: I think it might have something to do with their ability to see beauty in everything.

*love is just around you.. all you've got to do is see the beauty in it.. you don't have to stop a second, just stop a minute so you wont miss it.

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